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— Arming Polytechnic Graduates with University Degrees
灌注"SIT基因" — 专访新加坡科技学院校长陈添顺教授
Singapore Institute of Technology — Arming Polytechnic Graduates with University Degrees
By Eunice Chow
Photos courtesy of SIT
Published: EduNation, Issue 2, Mar-Apr 2013
Although polytechnic students can already offer a lot to the workplace, Professor Tan Thiam Soon, President of the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT), is convinced that an SIT experience, which combines both work and study, will further develop these students into valuable workers with a lifelong learning mindset.

Think of the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT), if you will, as a bridge between Singapore's polytechnic graduates and degrees from reputable overseas universities.

Established in 2009, SIT was set up to cater to the aspirations of polytechnic graduates wanting a university degree. At full capacity, SIT will be able to admit 3,500 students every year, with a total enrolment of 10,000 to 12,000 students.

SIT President, Professor Tan Thiam Soon, also confirmed that degrees offered at SIT would be a continuation of what the polytechnic students have learnt.

As a baseline, he recognises that polytechnic graduates are already fully equipped with skills that are applicable in the workplace, and he has no intentions of deviating from that. "Polytechnic graduates come in with wonderful characteristics which are needed in the future - the willingness to roll up their sleeves to get things done and to do things when others won't, as well as adaptability and the willingness to change. We embrace these characteristics, and we ask students to put them to use," he said.

Rather, he wants to build a curriculum and pedagogy that will enhance the major strengths of the graduates and their understanding of the future. This is being done in two ways: one through the traditional classroom environment where learning is interactive and personalised with relatively small numbers in each class, and the other through the work-study element which is key to SIT's course delivery.

SIT also works with the polytechnics for closer course continuation.

"We will tell the polytechnics our plans, and we will work together in areas that require a longer gestation period than they can provide. In this way their students see SIT as a continuation of their education. The polytechnics are our most important partners because they supply us with students. The better the students are prepared, the better fit they will have with SIT. Our intention is to build, enhance and leverage on the polytechnic curriculum," Professor Tan said.

Going to polytechnic before university offers another advantage. "More students should be given the choice of going to the polytechnics to pick up real skills that interest them, and this early introduction will reduce mismatches and pressures in getting a university degree," said Professor Tan. "It is critical for Singapore to avoid the problem of unemployed graduates. Our focus in SIT is to equip students to go into industry. So our DNA will be built on the strength of polytechnic graduates."

What is the SIT DNA?

What SIT will give its students are three key abilities, or what Professor Tan calls the SIT DNA.

Thinking Tinkers

This means that they will be adaptable, resourceful, and know how to think through doing.

"In the past, people tended to think these qualities were secondary to academic abilities, but I don't think that will be the case in the 21st century," said Professor Tan. "Things in the 21st century are going to change very fast, and you will need to be adaptable to survive in the long run."

In order to develop these qualities, courses at SIT are more hands-on and are aligned to industry needs. >> More

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封面故事 > 灌注"SIT基因" — 专访新加坡科技学院校长陈添顺教授
灌注"SIT基因" — 专访新加坡科技学院校长陈添顺教授
刊载:《新学》, 第2期,2013年3月-4月



刚接任新加坡科技学院校长的陈添顺教授接受《新学》新加坡教育双语双月刊访问,阐释新科院的毕业生所必须具备的品格和特质,是不可与时代脱节的 。他提出了新科院毕业生应该具备的 "SIT基因",来配合这瞬息万变的新时代。会思考的工程师,简言之就是"动手兼动脑"的思考模式。理工学院已经培养了学生喜欢动手做的态度和能力,这在新世纪是重要的生存技能而不是低于学术能力的次要素质。新科院将在这个基础上,加强学生思考能力。











从前,学习和工作是截然不同的两个阶段:在学校学习,在职场工作。来到新世纪,陈添顺要构建"学习同时工作,工作同时学习"的 "工读模式"。

他说: "新世纪的人如果只在求学时期学习,工作后不再学习,他的事业会走上末路。因为时代飞速递变,三至十年后,从前所学的技术已经过时,一个人没有进步,就不能对社会做出贡献。我们要让学生了解'在职学习'的重要性,培养学生具备'学习、摒弃所学,重新学习'的新思维,这是新科院与其他大学不同之处。 >> 更多


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