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每年增添20所托儿中心 — 专访职总幼乐园总经理汤秀香
Doing More for the Childcare Sector
Elizabeth Lie
Photos courtesy of My First Skool
Published: EduNation, Issue 4, July-August 2013
As the pioneer childcare arm of the NTUC (National Trades Union Congress) First Campus Co-operative Limited with over 30 years of experience in the childcare sector, My First Skool (MFS) has not only transformed the sector with its innovative practices, it is also one of the leaders in the industry. MFS’ commitment to providing quality and affordable childcare and education services has ensured its continual success through the years. Today, with 98 centres across the island, MFS childcare centres are a common sight at the void decks in most housing estates.

Rise in Demand for Childcare Services

Childcare centres used to be thought of as merely providers of custodial care, usually for the entire day. When it came to education, kindergartens were the preferred choice. However, that has now changed.

“People used to think that no learning takes place in childcare centres when we do actually have a structured programme. It’s just that it’s within a childcare setting. But parents are starting to see the benefits of sending their children to a childcare centre, instead of leaving them at home with either the grandparents or a domestic helper and that is pushing up the demand,” explained Mrs Adeline Tan, General Manager of MFS.

Statistics bear this out. There are now 1,051 childcare centres in Singapore — a rise of over 300 from the 2008 figure. The number of kindergartens over roughly the same period has, however, remained fairly static, at around 500.

The rise in demand for childcare services reflects the numerous research studies that have shown that a quality pre-school education can make a significant difference in a child’s life. Looking at the quick growth of childcare centres in the last five years, the inclusion of a structured curriculum has undeniably won parents over. The increase in the number of dual-income families has also fueled the demand for childcare services and to suit the changing needs of parents today the number of childcare centres that provide infant care services has risen from 126 centres in 2008 to 311 in May 2013.

Government subsidies have also helped. The Additional Subsidy announced earlier this year is the latest and arguably the most substantial yet, with two-thirds of households across the country standing to benefit from it.

Not only has the Additional Subsidy made childcare services more affordable, it has also demonstrated the government’s willingness to invest in the early childhood sector. The total figure now stands at $360 million, and this increased expenditure has in turn created an even greater awareness of the importance of a quality pre-school education — and since childcare centres provide such a comprehensive range of services, they have become a popular option among parents.

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封面故事 > 每年增添20所托儿中心 — 专访职总幼乐园总经理汤秀香
— 专访职总幼乐园总经理汤秀香
刊载:《新学》, 第4期,2013年7月-8月
职总优儿学府合作社的35周年纪念刊封面题字 “职总校园办得到!”,这七个字印证了其坚守为大众提供托儿服务的使命。




“我们计划每年开15至20所幼乐园,五年内至少建75至100所中心,确切数目还需要看市场需求和政府分配。作为主要业者,接下来这两年,幼乐园绝对会加速扩展。” 2009年职总幼乐园只有53所,四年间增加了一倍。


Adeline Tan / 汤秀香
Mrs Adeline Tan has been with NTUC First Campus since 1986. She joined the organisation, when it was first known as NTUC Childcare, as a Publications/Resource Officer and contributed to the setting up of the publications unit and resource library. When the organisation went through a streamlining of administrative functions in 2001, Mrs Tan was appointed the Director of Marketing and Communications and a year later, she was given the additional portfolio of a new department, the Centre Management Department. In 2007, Mrs Tan became the General Manager of My First Skool and has since been overseeing the rapid expansion of the centres under the brand. 汤秀香在1986年加入职总优儿学府合作社,担任出版与资料部执行员,负责设立出版部门及资料中心。2001年及2002年先后出任市场与宣传总监、中央管理部总监。2007年接掌幼乐园成为总经理,负责扩展幼乐园的业务。


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